Clinical Mentoring

What is Clinical Mentoring?

Our Clinical Mentoring program offers transitional-aged youth a flexible and personalized approach to self-discovery and goal attainment. Connect with your provider through phone calls, video calls, or text messaging. You can choose between shorter, frequent micro-sessions or longer, weekly sessions to fit your schedule. With a focus on fostering trust, providing solution-focused guidance, and supporting goal attainment, we're dedicated to empowering you as you navigate life's transitions with confidence and resilience.

Guided Connections

What Makes Us Different?

An Alternative Approach to Interventions

Therapeutic experiences don’t have to be limited to traditional couch sessions. Interventions can vary based on individual needs. In fact, it’s essential that it does. Clinical mentoring offers a tailored alternative specifically designed for transition-aged youth.

Is Clinical Mentoring Right For You?

Are you…

  • This transitional period is marked by significant personal and environmental changes. having an outside perspective can provide valuable guidance and support during this transformative phase of life.

  • In contrast to a regular therapy session, Clinical Mentoring allows the mentor, and the mentee to communiccate on more casual terms.

  • Our Clinical Mentoring program can assist clients in breaking down daunting, time-sensitive tasks into smaller, manageable steps, while also exploring any underlying mental and emotional blockages that may be hindering their progress towards achieving their goals.

Let’s Talk

Schedule a Consultation to see if Our Clinical Mentoring is a good fit.