Racial Identity Caucus

What is a Racial Identity Caucus?

A Racial Identity Caucus is a facilitated gathering where members of an organization go into different groups based on their racial identity to discuss their experiences with racism. 

Unlearn to Relearn

Reasons for Caucusing

  • Establish environments where participants can safely discuss the personal and professional impacts of racism.

  • Facilitate targeted discussions on prevailing cultural norms and privileges that perpetuate systemic inequalities

  • Formulate and reinforce structures within the organization that promote accountability and equitable power distribution.

  • Encourage self-reflection and dialogue to confront and overcome internalized biases that contribute to racism.

  • Encourage personal accountability and collective action to address and dismantle racist structures and behaviors.









Dream - Imagine - Heal - Trust -

"Diversity is a potentiality that needs to be activated. It can be used, or it can just be there."

- Priya Parker, The Art of Gathering


How it Works!

Both caucuses meet regularly to discuss issues, share experiences, and develop strategies.

People of color may focus on building solidarity and addressing internalized racism, while white members might focus on understanding their privilege and learning how to dismantle it.

Typically, we conclude with guided cross-racial dialogue, aiming to deepen understanding and promote collective healing. However, we remain attuned to the evolving needs of the moment.


  • “I think Rachael and Tempey model cross racial relationship in facilitation and justice work in a beautiful dance.”

    - Racial Equity Caucus Participant

  • “The movement exercises helped us see the different facets of power and how stuck we can be in certain patterns, thinking, and ways of being.”

    - Racial Equity Caucus Participant

Join Us

If you're interested in caucusing or supporting our cause, please contact us.